Weekly Classes
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Class Descriptions
Class Descriptions
Consult the KJ Calendar for schedule updates.
Dr. William Major Memorial Advanced Shiur in Talmud
Continuing our study of Masekhet Brachot with its classical commentaries.
Exploring Jewish Thought
What is the foundation of ethics? How did Orthodox Jews understand the Holocaust? Dive deeply into questions of Jewish philosophy and wrestle with challenging ideas. Appropriate for intellectually curious students of any background. Translated texts provided.
Reading the Prophets: The Book of Samuel
Read Sefer Shmuel closely and explore the literary and philosophical aspects of this book.
Take a deep dive into the amida.
Sefer HaChinuch
(Description TBD)
The Weekly Parsha Class
(Description TBD)
For those who want to start building a foundation in Hebrew to help them read Jewish Prayer.
Intermediate Hebrew
This popular class enables those with no previous background in Hebrew to learn to read Hebrew in just a short time.
Advanced Hebrew
Designed for those with some ability to read Hebrew, students practice reading skills using the siddur and other Jewish texts.
Meaningful Jewish Living
A comprehensive year-long course covering major themes in Jewish law, practice and thought. Explore how a 5,000 year old religion is more relevant today than ever before.
Thu, March 6 2025
6 Adar 5785
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This week's Torah portion is Parshat Tetzaveh
Parshat Zachor
Shabbat, Mar 8 |