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The KJ Sephardic minyan was established in 2011 to serve the growing need for a warm and diverse Sephardic minyan on the Upper East Side. The minyan has grown exponentially, developing a reputation for its exceptional warmth, energy, and inclusiveness, and includes over one hundred and fifty families.  The minyan offers services on Shabbat, holidays, and weekday mornings, as well as a robust offering of programs, classes, and events. KJ Sephardic is part of the broader Kehilath Jeshurun community, a twelve-hundred-member family synagogue affiliated with The Ramaz School.


Under the guidance of Rabbi Meyer Laniado, Hazzan Dr. Benjamin Zalta, and assistant Hazzan Charles Zami, KJ Sephardic has blossomed into a leader among the New York Synagogues in creating a strong community that is rapidly growing and continually welcoming with open arms new families in search of a vibrant and warm experience.

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Tue, March 25 2025 25 Adar 5785