2023 Sisterhood
Putting the "Sister" in Sisterhood.
KJ Sisterhood is the volunteer women’s division of Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun. We produce engaging social events that feature comical talent, notable chefs, art tours, challah-bakes, learning opportunities, boutiques, and an annual luncheon. Most meaningful is that we raise funds that generously support the important needs of our very own KJ and Ramaz as well as the Jewish community at large. We support KJ's Benevolent Fund, the Ramaz Scholarship fund, KJ’s communal Seder, Sukkot meals and Shabbat Kiddushim. We help prepare local shiva homes, deliver membership welcome kits, and provide our Bnei Mitzvah with special gifts. We support important NYC and global charities including Hatzolah, the IDF, UJA, Yeshivat Hesder Sederot, Dorot, Yad Sarah, Magen David Adom, Project Ezra, Sharsheret, the Jacques Hanna Schwalbe Mikvah, and many more.
KJ’s Sisterhood is a home within a home for the women of KJ. We are a community of giving and receiving, and involvement with us is so rewarding. We urge all KJ women to join us in planning, attending, and supporting our programs!
Who's Who
President: Jennifer Agus
Co-Vice Presidents: Stephanie Knepper Basman & Rose Cirrincione
Treasurer: Abby Doft
Recording Secretary: Elana Grant
How To Get Involved
We would love to have your participation. You can co-chair an event or offer your home as a venue, or simply come to an event to be with friends and meet new people. If you would like more information on how to get involved, contact any member of the Sisterhood Executive Committee.
Fri, March 28 2025
28 Adar 5785
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Today's Calendar
: 7:15AM |
: 7:30AM |
: 6:45PM |
: 6:45PM |
Candle Lighting : 6:58PM |
Upcoming Programs & Events
Mar 29 |
Mar 29 |
Mar 30 |
Apr 6 |
Apr 6 |
This week's Torah portion is Parshat Pekudei
Shabbat Mevarchim & Parshat Hachodesh
Shabbat, Mar 29 |